Social Remedial - Cynthia Gunnells

As the days grow longer and the air cooler, I’m finally ready to trade in my seaside summer nights for starry skies, cricket symphonies, turtlenecks and sips of bourbon. That said, this was one of the most perfect summers on record.
It started off sketchy as hell. My bestie went through a trifecta of disasters over the spring leaving us all shaken – and leaving him feeling more isolated than ever. Except he was never alone. We are like a wolf pack and when you mess with one of us, you get us all. The best decision I’ve ever made is the company I keep. I would be lost without my family and my crew, and this summer solidified it like never before.
Sometimes it takes an explosion like a death or a divorce or a health crisis (preferably not all three at the same time but when it happens, it happens) to shake up your soul and make you realize what’s really important.
My friend’s midlife crisis (coupled with the aptly-timed release and cancellation of Netflix's Gypsy, which I will never get over) slowly fed my own unraveling. But also, his ability to start anew was inspiring. My friend is back and better than ever. We always knew he was brilliant, but when he finally realized it for himself it was magical - and infectious.
Which brings me to this blog. I started out almost one year ago with the intent of simply jotting down thoughts on my favorite things: estates, booksstoriesvacations and other obsessions. But it morphed into a snapshot of me – my past, my present and maybe even my future.
This summer of discontent has awakened my inner storyteller and fostered real personal growth. A blog is just a blog, but when you string those stories into a narrative you get a life.
I think I’m beginning to come into mine.

by Cynthia Gunnells

Summer of Discontent

September 8, 2017