January 30, 2018


by Cynthia Gunnells

Once upon a time, I was a young girl steadfast in my opinions. When I made up my mind, that was it. Right or wrong, I planted my feet firmly in my decision and no amount of jostling could ever get me to budge.

But lately I find myself wavering more, and I’ve come to understand that the side you fall on is simply a matter of perspective.

It’s like when someone disgusts you so much you begin to find them attractive or, conversely, you’re so enamored you think you’re basking in sunshine until you shift your eyes from the brightness to see that the light is actually revealing true darkness.


I used to see things neatly defined in black and white, but now my boundaries are a little fuzzier; my views a little softer; my colors a little more subdued.

I’m at the point in life where many of my friends have moved past the midlife crisis stage – affairs indulged; sports cars purchased; second marriages undertaken. Maybe it’s because I’m a creature of habit, but I’m always surprised by these quests for new starts. Even my own in-laws – married forty years – split up to live out their retirement days alone. I suppose they knew what they were doing because they ended up seemingly happier, but it makes me wonder: is the grass ever really greener?

Perhaps it is if your grass is weed-filled and dying. But what I’ve come to know about grass is, if you water it, it will sprout back up. It may be easier to move on to another lawn, but the seasons will continue to cycle so it’s wise to keep that watering can handy.


While I can now sympathize with both sides of the story, it seems those blindsided by the end of their relationship often fare better having moved on, and the ones doing the blindsiding always seem to regret their decisions.

It’s like planning all year for a Caribbean vacation only to realize that relaxation makes you miss the hustle, or how spending a leisurely Sunday touring majestic estates makes you love your own comfortable home even more.


I’ve never been a glass half full kind of person, but these days I’m thankful for all my drops.

Social Remedial - Cynthia Gunnells